Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why GM Food Is Not The Answer

Genetically modified foods have been widely publicized by its proponents as the answer to most of the world's problems. Many people have been told that it will be the answer to the food shortage especially in the developing world. But is it really the answer? Here are some of the facts that you should know about genetically modified foods .

GM Crops Offer No Yield Increases

Despite what most GM companies may promise, the cultivation of GM crops have not resulted in increased yields as compared to conventional varieties. Studies on the other hand have shown that the most widely grown genetically modified crop today, GM soya has even suffered through reduced yields. When it comes to answering the food shortage, GM crops won't simply be effective since it does not offer substantial yield increase during harvests.

Pesticide Use Increased With Using GM Crops

Despite most GM crops being publicized to allow less use of pesticides, the opposite seems to be true. Farmers are told that using GM crops would result in lesser pesticide use. But then again, data in the US shows that GM crops have actually resulted in an average increase in pesticide use overall as compared to conventional crops.

Non-Existent Safety Testing For GM Food

One of the more worrying issues involving GM foods is that little has been done to test out what happens when it is being eaten. Even in the US which have been known to be a haven for GM crops, little is being done to monitor and determine the effects of GM crops and foods on health. What made it worse is that most of the foods go unlabeled, making it difficult for consumers to monitor or check if they are eating GM foods.

Considering that genetic modification may be considered as one of the most powerful technologies recently discovered, it is something that may still need further research and understanding before being implemented on a larger scale in the consumer market. But the fact of the matter is that many GM companies are rushing in to introduce GM foods and crops without realizing the consequences.

This profit-first mentality may have a disastrous consequence if such is being allowed in the world. It is important for people to know just how dangerous it can be to experiment with an untested technology such as genetic modification and making the whole consumer market its possible testing ground. It is just too crazy to leave alone in the hands of the GM companies without questioning their motive of doing so.

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