Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ignorance of GMO Effects May Be Dangerous

Use of genetically modified organisms have become quite common in many countries, notably on the US and parts of South America. It has largely been because of the efforts of large multi-national corporations eyeing big profits in genetic modification. It may be considered as a technology that has largely not yet been fully understood by researchers and scientists. It is an industry that may pose a danger to the world at large.

GMO companies have been quite aggressive in trying to promote and market their products such as GM seed varieties to various farmers. Many of them try to promote the seeds as a way to take advantage of better technology for improved harvests. Some GM seeds are purported to use less pesticides and therefore may cost less to cultivate. But the reality of it all, these so-called benefits are not true, if not a bit exaggerated.

The problem with GMO is that it is a technology that is largely new and may require further analysis and evaluation before being introduced into the market. The technology involves manipulating certain portions of an organism's DNA to produce so-called beneficial results. This process still is largely experimental and the results may still require further testing from a controlled environment to determine their safety.

But the companies that work on developing GM seeds seem to be quite impatient in realizing the profits to be made of their products. Since the GM industry is currently one that lacks proper governmental regulation, the GM seeds have made their way into the agricultural sector and are now being sold to farms that allow such seeds to be cultivated. Ignorance about the possible dangers of using GM seeds becomes the advantage of the big GM companies.

Currently, scientists do not know the extent of impact that the use of GM seeds might have on the environment. So far, what scientists do know does not sound good. From killing other plant species to even insects such as honeybees, the effects really show that GMO's might not be good for the environment. It will take governments around the world to be more aware of the dangers or the lack of knowledge about GMO's to help halt the possible harmful effects it might cause to the world at large.

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